23Hours: 10Minutes: 00Seconds

Steal my "weird little website" that allows me to have $30K days in my coaching business - and it only takes 10-minutes to learn


I've uncovered a NEW secret website strategy that almost nobody knows about.

FROM: Brett McFall

This "weird little website" has personally helped me to DOUBLE... as well as TRIPLE... my coaching clients OVERNIGHT - plus made myself and my clients as much as $30,000 in 1-day.

So what is the secret? I recently used it to generate $49,994 to a tiny list of 61 people. So that's pretty cool, right? And I'll show you more examples too.


  • ​WHY "The Cornerstone Funnel" works... and especially if you're a coach (in any topic)
  • HOW "The Cornerstone Funnel" works - watch as I teach you STEP-BY-STEP how to do it
  • GETINSTANT ACCESS RIGHT NOW! However, due to the secrecy of how it works, this short class is only available for the next 24 hours

Please understand that I cannot promise you any results whatsoever and you are fully responsible for your own results. My results are not typical and it takes hard work to make any business successful and this is no different. What I will show you is the exact steps I use in my marketing and is no way meant to be a promise or guarantee of results for you. Cool? Then I'm happy to show you what I'm doing etc.